Technology & Benefits Administration: The Unsung Hero of Employee Benefits

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Effective benefit administration will rarely receive compliments; however, when an error occurs, such as an employee having their coverage denied, or if there is a breach of data privacy or a compliance failure, administration is often to blame.

It is critical that your organization chooses and implements the right technology and procedures to meet your ever-changing needs. We deliver relevant information on technology, payroll administration, talent management, time keeping and HRIS so you can stay informed and make the best decisions for your organization.

While Benefits Administration and Technology typically represent a relatively small portion of a benefits budget, it is an integral part of your overall delivery, as it impacts the employee experience, cost and compliance.

The Direct Benefits

  • Increase in employee productivity and retention
  • Remain current on compliance requirements
  • Automate processes to free up staff
  • Access to ongoing training and management solutions
  • Reduction of administrative costs

Our Philosophy

We believe it is in our client’s best interest to help identify the right administrative and technology solutions to meet their needs. In some cases, this may mean taking a consulting approach to help select an outside provider where we assist in implementation, management and oversight. In other cases, clients prefer us simply taking over the administration using one of our in-house technology platforms. Our only goal is to help our clients make the decisions that best meet their needs.

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